Path: EN / Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society of Poznań / Editorial activity / Books / Henryk Wieniawski. Composer and Virtuoso in the Musical Culture of the XIX and XX Centuries

Henryk Wieniawski. Composer and Virtuoso
in the Musical Culture of the XIX and XX Centuries

Title: Henryk Wieniawski. Composer and Virtuoso in the Musical Culture of the XIX and XX Centuries
Authors: Zofia Chechlińska, Tomi Mäkelä, Dieter Gutknecht, Charles-David Lehrer, Alicja Szymańska, Anna Nowak, Danuta Gwizdalanka, Michał Grześkowiak, Janina Tatarska, Tadeusz Gadzina, Renata Suchowiejko, Hartmut Becker, Martin Wulfhorst, Vladimir Gourevich. Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz, Magdalena Dziadek, Martina Homma
Editors: Maciej Jabłoński, Danuta Jasińska
Publishers: Rhytmos for The Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society
Place and date of publication: Poznań 2001
Languages: English, German
Number of pages: 334
ISBN: 83-908462-6-8

Henryk Wieniawski. Composer and Virtuoso in the Musical Culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries is another publication of the Henryk Wieniawski Musical Society in Poznań, one which arose out of the first international musicological conference entitled Henryk Wieniawski, Composer and Virtuoso from the perspective of the musical culture of the 19th and 20th Centuries –  to be held in Poznań, from 13 to 14 April 2000. Alongside the Society, other conference organisers included the Department of Musicology of the Institute of Art History at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, the Poznań Society for the Advancement of the Arts and Sciences, and the Ignacy Jan Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań.

The book contains also extended bibliography, chronology of concert performances of Henryk Wieniawski (1835-1880) and discography (add in).


  • Jan Stęszewski: Preface
  • Zofia Chechlińska (Warszawa): Henryk Wieniawski and Polish Musical Culture of the 19th Century
  • Tomi Mäkelä (Magdeburg): Die "leise, fromme Weise" bei Henryk Wieniawski. Zur poetischen,
    dramatischen und rituell-religiösen Virtuosität von Preghiera im Violinkonzert Opus 14
  • Dieter Gutknecht (Köln): Zur geschichtlichen Entwicklung der "Geigen-Virtuosität"
    bis einschließlich Henryk Wieniawski
  • Charles-David Lehrer (Los Angeles): An Introduction to the Nineteenth-Century Parisian Concerto
  • Alicja Szymańska (Warszawa): The Issue of the Sonata Form in the Concertos of Henryk Wieniawski
  • Anna Nowak (Bydgoszcz): The Violin Concerti of Henryk Wieniawski from Style Brillant
  • Danuta Gwizdalanka (Poznań): Henryk Wieniawski – 'a chamber musician extraordinaire'
  • Michał Grześkowiak (Poznań): The Caprices of Henryk Wieniawski and their Context
  • Janina Tatarska (Poznań): Henryk Wieniawski's Relationships with the Opera
  • Tadeusz Gadzina (Warszawa): Henryk Wieniawski in Paris
  • Renata Suchowiejko (Kraków): Henryk Wieniawski in the "Revue et Gazette Musicale de Paris":
    An Outline of Research into Reception
  • Hartmut Becker (Karlsbad): Louis Spohr and Henryk Wieniawski – Aesthetical and Spiritual Connections
    between Two Great Violinist-composers
  • Martin Wulfhorst (Hamburg): Louis Spohr and the Metronome:
    A Contribution to Early Nineteenth-Century Performance Practice
  • Vladimir Gourevich (St. Petersburg): Alexej Lwow – Zeitgenosse Henryk Wieniawskis
  • Małgorzata Woźna-Stankiewicz (Kraków): Compositions of the Franco-Belgian School of  Violin Music
    in the Concert Repertoire of 19th Century Poland
  • Magdalena Dziadek (Cieszyn): Remarks on the Reception of Henryk Wieniawski's Music
    in Poland between 1890-1914
  • Martina Homma (Köln): "Durchaus auch kompositorische Qualitäten" – das Unbehagen an der Virtuosität.
    Über Henryk Wieniawskis Wirken in Deutschland und Bezüge zu Joseph Joachim
  • Chronology of the Concert Performances of Henryk Wieniawski 1835-1880 (rev. by Aleksandra Sawicka)
  • Bibliography (ed. by Andrzej Jazdon)